Anthony set the tone of the show as he mentioned from the beginning that he wanted to discuss the victors of the NFL Conference Championship games. The Redskins receiver along with Lake and Chuck discussed the ramifications of the Super Bowl having two storied franchises participating with a potential lockout looming.
The fellas also discussed if parity in sports is good for the fans.
On a lighter note Anthony and fellow Washington Redskin Phillip Daniels continued their war-of-words in a humorous way as Daniels was involved all night on the Chat Box.
- Anthony Armstrong – Washington Redskins wide receiver
- Lake Lewis – President / CEO of Sports Journey Broadcast Network
- Chuck Carroll – Founder / Sr. Writer of
On Twitter? Follow the guys!
Anthony Armstrong – @MrArmstrong13
Lake Lewis – @LakeLewis
Chuck Carroll – @FNNChuck
Next Show: Tuesday, Feb. 01
1617 Washington Plaza N
Reston, VA 20190
Directions to the venue
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