What a difference a year makes.


‘Twas the week before Dallas in D.C. and I’ll tell you

There’s thousands of frustrated fans that are so blue

You see, they’d seen glory galore for this season.

And who could blame them? They’d had every reason

To think their returning QB would now shine

But he’s benched and the backup is towing the line.


Their mega-star QB took a bad hit last year

And as it turns out, wasn’t anywhere near

Ready of being “All in for Week One,”

Griffin tried and he fought… the guy just couldn’t run.

He wanted to go out and tear up that field

In 2012 but he just hadn’t healed.


They struggled, they fought, they tried hard and yet

The Redskins just could not become the big threat

That they’d been in what now seems like ages ago

But really was just less than, Oh, I don’t know…


Twelve months, wasn’t it, that Dallas was here?

And fans somehow knew, it was definitely THE year.

This time last season, all was well. Things were good.

The Washington Redskins had somehow withstood

A three-and-six start to then knock off all seven

Of their final games. The fans were in heaven!


Now 2013 is a quite different story

Not nearly the winning, not nearly the glory.

It’s Dallas Week yes, but their record’s so bad…

They’ve won only three, lost eleven, it’s sad.


There’ve been rumors and leaks and stories galore,

Just reporting the news has become such a chore.

Does the coach want to leave? Is the QB secure?

After Dallas, there’s just one more game to endure.


But hey, Redskins fans… it’s DALLAS WEEK, right?

They won’t play in this game without any fight.

The Redskins have character; they know what’s at stake

Though not for a trophy, they won’t hit the brake.


Sure, the backup QB is now calling the plays

And the special teams continue their trail of malaise.

But the motto “any given Sunday” makes all kinds of sense

Especially considering the Dallas defense.


The Redskins will play the best that they can

And drop -kick the “Girls” to the Sea of Japan.

They’ll come through although the going is tough…

C’mon, we have Moss and he’s made of good stuff.


Remember those jerseys that read “Grimm,” “Bostic” and “May”?

And “Walker,” “Jacoby,” “Manley” and “Seay”?

Well, this team’s got Moss, always good against Dallas,

And Hall and Garçon – both play with such malice.

They will win the day, tradition will hold.

It’s Dallas Week for the Reddish-purple and Gold!



Diane Chesebrough (sometimes unable to control her tongue-in-cheek humor) is Chief Editor, writer and photographer for Sports Journey Broadcast Network as well as a member of Pro Football Writers of America. Accredited media with the NFL, she has been a feature writer for several national magazines/periodicals. Follower her on Twitter: @DiChesebrough